South African Culinary and Hospitality Educators Forum

About Us

SACHEF membership is open to practising professional individuals engaged in Culinary, F&B and Hospitality professions, associated hospitality professions, suppliers and support staff, as well as students and amateurs in the general community with a recreational passion for food and beverages.

Our Professional Members fall into 3 categories: Culinary, Food & Beverage (F&B), and General Hospitality.

Associate Members are individual amateur or recreational persons either in associated hospitality professions or as part of the general community with an interest in food and beverages. Associate Members have no voting rights.

Besides these individual members, there are also Coporate Members and Training Providers.

Our Objectives

SACHEF represents the interests of culinary and hospitality professionals in the educational arena, to preserve, develop and pass on to the next generation both the art and the science of general hospitality, service, food, beverage as well as cookery knowledge and skills.

The objective of SACHEF is to provide a collaborative forum for networking and facilitating educational opportunities, such as workshops and events, to connect and encourage active and friendly relations between SACHEF members in order to share information, knowledge and expertise, for the greater good and betterment of the industry. SACHEF members are required to be professional and show mutual respect and support to each other.

SACHEF advocates engagement with government on policy positions, issues of regulation, uniformity of standards, and quality assurance.

SACHEF commissions research or undertakes capacity building initiatives, as appropriate from time to time, to support these objectives.